Test Packages | CFWheels

Test Suites
Core & App test suites

Below is listing of all the core test packages. Click the part of the package to run it individually.

Test Packages
controller . caching . addcachableaction
controller . caching . clearcachableactions
controller . caching . hascachableactions
controller . caching . caches
controller . caching . setcachableactions
controller . caching . cachesettingsforaction
controller . caching . cachableactions
controller . csrf . cookie . CsrfProtectedOnly
controller . csrf . cookie . CsrfProtectedWithException
controller . csrf . cookie . CsrfProtectedExcept
controller . csrf . session . CsrfProtectedOnly
controller . csrf . session . CsrfProtectedWithException
controller . csrf . session . CsrfProtectedExcept
controller . filters . filters
controller . filters . filterchain
controller . filters . setfilterchain
controller . filters . runfilters
controller . flash . flashdelete
controller . flash . flash
controller . flash . flashcount
controller . flash . flashinsert
controller . flash . flashKeep
controller . flash . flashkeyexists
controller . flash . flashnone
controller . flash . flashclear
controller . flash . cookieStorage
controller . flash . flashisempty
controller . flash . flashmessages
controller . initialization . general
controller . miscellaneous . callaction
controller . miscellaneous . sendfile
controller . miscellaneous . sendmail
controller . miscellaneous . helpers
controller . miscellaneous . performedRenderOrRedirect
controller . provides . initialization
controller . provides . requestcontenttype
controller . redirection . redirectto
controller . rendering . rendertext
controller . rendering . specified_layouts
controller . rendering . layouts
controller . rendering . includecontent
controller . rendering . renderview
controller . rendering . renderpartial
controller . rendering . argumentsForPartial
controller . rendering . rendernothing
controller . rendering . renderwith
controller . request . ishead
controller . request . ispatch
controller . request . isput
controller . request . isget
controller . request . isajax
controller . request . pagination
controller . request . issecure
controller . request . isoptions
controller . request . isdelete
controller . request . ispost
controller . verifies . verifies
dispatch . setCorsHeaders
dispatch . request
dispatch . findMatchingRouteMega
dispatch . getrequestmethod
dispatch . createParams
dispatch . findMatchingRoute
events . onerror
global . urlfor
global . strings
global . caching
global . internal . fullCgiDomainString
global . internal . cgiscope
global . internal . checkMinimumVersion
global . internal . wildcardDomainMatchCGI
global . internal . listToStruct
global . internal . hashedkey
global . internal . listClean
global . internal . args
global . internal . getrequesttimeout
global . public . processrequest
global . public . deobfuscateparam
global . public . obfuscateparam
global . public . humanize
internal . model . validations . ValidatesLengthOf
mapper . redirect
mapper . utilities
mapper . matching
mapper . package
mapper . initialization
mapper . root
mapper . mapping
mapper . resources
mapper . wildcard
migrator . migration . addinteger
migrator . migration . renametable
migrator . migration . adduniqueidentifier
migrator . migration . addfloat
migrator . migration . addcolumn
migrator . migration . execute
migrator . migration . droptable
migrator . migration . renamecolumn
migrator . migration . addtext
migrator . migration . addchar
migrator . migration . addrecord
migrator . migration . createview
migrator . migration . addboolean
migrator . migration . adddate
migrator . migration . createtable
migrator . migration . removecolumn
migrator . migration . addtime
migrator . migration . adddecimal
migrator . migration . addbiginteger
migrator . migration . adddatetime
migrator . migration . removerecord
migrator . migration . changecolumn
migrator . migration . removeindex
migrator . migration . dropforeignkey
migrator . migration . addindex
migrator . migration . dropview
migrator . migration . addforeignkey
migrator . migration . addbinary
migrator . migration . addtimestamp
migrator . migration . addstring
migrator . migration . updaterecord
migrator . migration . announce
migrator . migrator . getcurrentmigrationversion
migrator . migrator . adapters
migrator . migrator . migrateto
migrator . migrator . getavailablemigrations
migrator . migrator . redomigration
model . associations . belongsTo
model . associations . hasMany
model . associations . hasOne
model . calculations . count
model . calculations . sum
model . calculations . minimum
model . calculations . maximum
model . calculations . average
model . callbacks . afterFindNonLegacy
model . callbacks . beforeValidation
model . callbacks . beforeDelete
model . callbacks . beforeSave
model . callbacks . beforeCreateAndbeforeUpdate
model . callbacks . afterFind
model . callbacks . beforeCreate
model . callbacks . afterSaveProperties
model . callbacks . custom
model . callbacks . afterSaving
model . callbacks . beforeValidationOnUpdate
model . callbacks . beforeUpdate
model . callbacks . beforeValidationOnCreate
model . callbacks . afterDelete
model . crud . order
model . crud . findonebyxxx
model . crud . from
model . crud . finders
model . crud . group
model . crud . binarydata
model . crud . changes
model . crud . pagination
model . crud . new
model . crud . updates
model . crud . findone
model . crud . create
model . crud . properties
model . crud . findall
model . crud . select
model . crud . where
model . delete . deletebykey
model . delete . deleteall
model . delete . delete
model . delete . deleteone
model . errors . associatedErrors
model . errors . errors
model . miscellaneous . objectFileName
model . miscellaneous . primaryKeys
model . miscellaneous . objectid
model . miscellaneous . setPagination
model . miscellaneous . composite
model . miscellaneous . tableName
model . nestedproperties . has_one
model . nestedproperties . has_many
model . onmissingmethod . belongsto . hasobject
model . onmissingmethod . belongsto . object
model . onmissingmethod . hasMany . createobject
model . onmissingmethod . hasMany . objects
model . onmissingmethod . hasMany . removeobject
model . onmissingmethod . hasMany . deleteallobjects
model . onmissingmethod . hasMany . deleteobject
model . onmissingmethod . hasMany . hasobjects
model . onmissingmethod . hasMany . addobject
model . onmissingmethod . hasMany . newobject
model . onmissingmethod . hasMany . objectcount
model . onmissingmethod . hasMany . removeallobjects
model . onmissingmethod . hasMany . findoneobject
model . onmissingmethod . hasone . createobject
model . onmissingmethod . hasone . setobject
model . onmissingmethod . hasone . removeobject
model . onmissingmethod . hasone . deleteobject
model . onmissingmethod . hasone . hasobject
model . onmissingmethod . hasone . newobject
model . onmissingmethod . hasone . object
model . properties . protectedproperties
model . properties . PropertyIsBlank
model . properties . defaults
model . properties . columnforproperty
model . properties . timestamps
model . properties . hasChanged
model . properties . accessibleproperties
model . properties . toggle
model . properties . columns
model . properties . propertyispresent
model . properties . properties
model . properties . key
model . properties . hasproperty
model . raisedErrors . raisedErrors
model . read . findallkeys
model . read . datasource
model . read . findfirst
model . read . findorcreateby
model . read . findlast
model . sql . whereclause
model . transactions . invokewithtransaction
model . validations . standard_validations
model . validations . association_validations
model . validations . validation_error_messages
model . validations . default_validations
model . validations . conditional_validations
model . validations . skip_validations
model . validations . low_level_validations
model . validations . automatic_validations
model . views . views
plugins . removing
plugins . runner
plugins . dependant
plugins . overwriting
plugins . standard
plugins . injection
plugins . unpacking
routing . findMatchingRoute
testframework . iscorefile
testframework . isvalidtest
testframework . cleantestcase
testframework . cleantestname
view . assets . assetQueryString
view . assets . styleSheetLinkTag
view . assets . assetDomain
view . assets . javaScriptIncludeTag
view . assets . imagetag
view . content . includePartial
view . csrf . csrfMetaTags
view . csrf . authenticityTokenField
view . dates . timeAgoInWords
view . dates . timeUntilInWords
view . dates . distanceOfTimeInWords
view . errors . errorMessagesFor
view . errors . errorMessageOn
view . forms . hiddenField
view . forms . textAreaTag
view . forms . fileField
view . forms . hiddenFieldTag
view . forms . passwordFieldTag
view . forms . fileFieldTag
view . forms . selectTag
view . forms . submitTag
view . forms . radioButton
view . forms . endFormTag
view . forms . textField
view . forms . checkBoxTag
view . forms . yearSelect
view . forms . checkbox
view . forms . textFieldTag
view . forms . label
view . forms . passwordField
view . forms . radioButtonTag
view . forms . buttonTag
view . forms . htmlAttributes
view . forms . select
view . forms . textArea
view . forms . startFormTag
view . forms . objectName
view . formsdate . yearMonthHourMinuteSecondSelectTagContent
view . formsdateobject . DateTimeSelect
view . formsdateobject . TimeSelect
view . formsdateobject . DateSelect
view . formsdateplain . TimeSelectTags
view . formsdateplain . HourSelectTag
view . formsdateplain . DaySelectTag
view . formsdateplain . YearSelectTag
view . formsdateplain . MinuteSelectTag
view . formsdateplain . DateTimeSelectTags
view . formsdateplain . MonthSelectTag
view . formsdateplain . SecondSelectTag
view . formsdateplain . DateSelectTags
view . links . paginationlinks
view . miscellaneous . getobject
view . miscellaneous . contentFor
view . miscellaneous . resetcycle
view . miscellaneous . element
view . miscellaneous . tag
view . miscellaneous . cycle
view . miscellaneous . tagId_and_tagName
view . sanitize . striplinks
view . sanitize . striptags
view . text . titleize
view . text . wordtruncate
view . text . simpleformat
view . text . truncate
view . text . excerpt
view . text . highlight
view . text . autolink
view . urls . urlFor
view . urls . pagination
view . urls . mailTo
view . urls . linkTo
view . urls . buttonTo